How to Arrange Your Living Room with a TV

Have you ever gazed around your living room and thought something didn’t feel right?

Perhaps it wasn’t cozy enough or just seemed disorganized. Sometimes, it feels as if instead of the ideal comfortable space to relax, it feels more like a jigsaw puzzle with misplaced pieces.
And then what to do with the TV? Should it be the center or focal point?

With an estimated 123.8 million households with a TV in the US for the 2022-2024 TV season, how can you create a better and more harmonious living room design around your TV? This guide presents some ideas to help you make a perfect living room with the TV at its heart.

9 Tips on How to Arrange Your Living Room with a TV

Here are some useful tips to guide you when arranging your living room with a TV:

1. Find Your Focal Point.

Your focal point is where attention in the room naturally gravitates—and more often than not, it will be the TV. But while the TV is an essential part of our lives now, it isn’t the only star of the show in the living room. More than one focal point ensures eyes aren’t stuck in one corner, especially in a small room. Let your piece of art, bookshelf, fireplace, or other living room decor share the attention, too.

2. Consider The Distance from The Seating Area.

There’s a fine line between being so close to the screen that you strain your eyes and being so far away that you have to squint. Your seating area should be comfortable and within optimal viewing distance. How do we determine that? Use this simple rule of thumb: TV size (in inches) divided by two is your ideal viewing distance (in feet).

3. Arrange Other Furniture Thoughtfully.

Don’t forget about other living room furniture. Like how everyone should have a place at the dinner table—every piece of furniture also has its role in room arrangement. Place key pieces, such as coffee tables and couches, in relation to your TV. For example, if you enjoy eating while watching a good movie, ensure your coffee table is close enough for comfort but not obstructing the view. (And also close enough to set down a drink or snack.) Remember, your living room furniture arrangement should also have ample space for traffic flow.

4. Follow a Balanced Approach.

Guess where the principle of balance matters just as much as with tightrope walking? Your interior design. Balance and harmony in your living room furniture layout can help create a calm living room. Creating a balanced outlook with symmetrical furniture arrangements—be it large or small elements—is an essential decor guideline. One tip – don’t arrange all heavy items on one side. That could result in a visually heavy-looking living room layout. Instead, disperse the heavy pieces with the lighter pieces around the room for an even furniture layout. A scenario where one end of the space bears all the weight with bulky coffee tables and oversized bean bags while the opposite corner only has a thin floor lamp will undoubtedly feel askew.

5. Invest in Lighting.

Professional cinematographers say that good lighting can make or break a scene in a film. Similarly, good lighting can elevate or disrupt your TV viewing experience. Place ambient light sources around rather than directly above or behind the TV. Avoid placing table lamps where they will reflect on the screen, as nobody wants a glow obscuring their view. One idea is to use smart light bulbs that allow for dimming or color adjustments to offer flexibility during different times of day. Natural light streaming in is a good thing, but it may leave a glare on your screen during daylight hours. Carefully consider the placement of your TV and how close it is to your windows and doors. Another idea is to install sheer curtains that allow diffused natural light while watching TV during the day.

6. Manage The Arrangement of Cables.

Nothing kills your chill quicker than tripping over TV cables on the way to relax with your favorite show. Getting smart with cord management in your living space – think color-coded ties and cable boxes – keeps things clean and disaster-free. Use cord covers or zip ties to keep them wrangled, or camouflage within furniture units if possible. If you’re up for ditching cables, consider opting for wireless appliances and electronics.

7. Mind The Impact of Color.

A well-coordinated color palette can make or break your living room feel. The paint color of your walls can enhance your TV viewing experience or be an unwelcome distraction. Opt for neutral hues that create a relaxed ambiance – think taupe or soft gray – they may be a perfect backdrop for soaking up all those sci-fi flicks and rom-coms.

8. Create Comfy Viewing Zones.

Have you ever hosted a Netflix and chill night and found your friends sprawled awkwardly on the floor because of limited seating options?

Comfortable seating makes all the difference for those intense game night matches or movie marathons. But remember, comfort should never compromise clear sight lines. For some seating ideas – arrange chairs opposite the couch, forming a semicircle around the TV. Go for side tables, recliners, accent chairs, and armchairs, with uninterrupted screen views from every angle. Leave space for extra seating, like bean bags.

9. Mount The TV Over The Fireplace.

If your living room has a fireplace, one option for TV placement is over this feature piece. Mount it high enough to clear the mantle and low enough that you aren’t craning your neck to watch your favorite shows. Using a wall mount helps adjust viewing angles for less strain on your neck. This creates an attractive visual balance in many space arrangements; place it at the right height, far from the fire, to avoid damaging your TV. Ideally, the appropriate height is when your eyes align with the center or bottom third of the TV screen when seated. Remember, extreme angles can lead to neck discomfort and distort images.

Everyone has their own interpretation of design ideas, so feel free to mix these guidelines to suit your individuality. Use these guidelines as just that – guidelines to help you achieve an optimal living room space with your TV.