Select a category to see stores that accept our payment solutions for the product or service of your choice in The Ocean State. Simply choose the store you’d like to shop at and click “Apply” to begin. Apply today for access to the products or services you want with No Credit Needed^. Store selection is available to Rhode Island residents only.
Search thousands of stores & apply online for a decision in as soon as minutes.**
Enjoy easy payment amounts and a comfortable payment schedule.
Credit may be checked, but we consider more than your credit score when you apply.
*Subject to approval and standard underwriting criteria. Applications may be for payment solutions through American First Finance or loans from FinWise Bank, a Utah-chartered bank, Member FDIC. Products may vary by location. Terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior disclosure or notice.
**Decisions and funding may take additional time and not be same-day, including if more information is needed to complete the application.
^Approval is possible without a credit score, but credit may be checked.